【収録曲】 Disc-1 1.Main Title and The Vision 2.Navy Planes 3.Lost Squadron 4.Trucking 5.Into the Tunnel and Chasing UFOs 6.Crescendo Summit 7.False Alarm and The Helicopter 8.Barry’s Kidnapping 9.Forming the Mountain 10.TV Reveals / Across Country 11.The Mountain 12.The Cover-up and Base Camp 13.The Escape 14.Climbing the Mountain 15.Outstretched Hands 16.The Light Show 17.Barnstorming 18.The Mothership 19.The Dialogue 20.The Returnees 21.The Appearance of the Visitors 22.Contact 23.End Titles
Disc-2 1.Main Title 2.Roy’s First Encounter 3.Encounter at Crescendo Summit 4.Chasing UFOs 5.Watching the Skies 6.Vision Takes Shape 7.Another Vision 8.False Alarm 9.The Abduction of Barry 10.The Cover-up 11.TV Reveals 12.Roy and Jillian on the Road 13.I Can’t Believe It’s Real 14.Across the Fields 15.Stars and Trucks 16.Who Are You People? 17.The Escape (Alternate) 18.Climbing Devils Tower 19.Dark Side of the Moon 20.The Approach 21.Night Siege 22.The Conversation 23.Inside+ 24.Contact (Alternate) 25.Eleventh Commandment 26.TV Western 27.Lava Flow 28.The Five Tones 29.Advance Scout Greeting 30.The Dialogue (Early Version) 31.Resolution and End Title