【収録内容】 Disc-1 #01 All’s well that ends well.(終わりよければすべてよし) #02 A good beginning makes a good ending.(はじめが肝心) #03 Many a true word is spoken in jest.(嘘から出た真実) #04 Fear is often greater than the danger.(案ずるより産むが易し) #05 Go for broke!(当たって砕けろ!) #06 Fire is a good servant but a bad master.(火は従順なしもべだが、悪しき主人でもある) #07 The wolf knows what the ill beast thinks.(蛇の道は蛇) #08 There is always a next time.(必ず機会が来る) #09 Spare the rod and spoil the child.(かわいい子には旅をさせよ) #10 The calm before the storm.(嵐の前の静けさ) #11 The die is cast.(賽は投げられた) #12 Take heed of the snake in the grass.(草の中にいる蛇に用心せよ) #13 Confidence is a plant of slow growth.(信頼という木は大きくなるのが遅い木である)
Disc-2 #14 Love is blind.(恋は盲目) #15 The sky’s the limit...(限界は空高くに・・・) #16 Truth lies at the bottom of a well.(真実は井戸の底にある) #17 Blood is thicker than water.(血は水よりも濃い) #18 Ignorance is bliss.(知らぬが仏) #19 There’s no way out.(袋の鼠) #20 Full of courtesy, full of craft.(口に蜜あり、腹に剣あり) #21 Heaven helps those who help themselves.(天は自ら助くる者を助く) #22 Bad luck often brings good luck.(人間万事塞翁が馬) #23 Misfortunes never come singly.(不幸は単独では来ない) #24 Nothing ventured, nothing gained.(虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず) #25(最終話) Eternal Immortality.(永久不滅)